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Month: June 2015

I don’t know you please stop pitching me

As people capable of building something we will be always on the radar of folks in business and professionals all the time.

Most of them want to jump in to the startup scene. You will find them at any networking event, conference, meetup, cocktail or party.

Even worst if they know you are a developer and they find you approachable they will start pitching at your face. At the end they will ask you if you want to build they dream and become famous, get a lot of money, women, cars etcetera.

Investors bothered this same way all the time.

I think developers fall in second place. It happens all the time even on social media, you will get any sorts of messages or email giving you positions out of the blue.

Sounds familiar right?

Understand that if you find someone at a party we don’t want you become your partner right away.

If we haven’t meet before, it is like asking for marriage the same night you meet someone.

You need to develop a relationship first.

Happened to you? I would love to hear your thoughts about it! And if you enjoyed, please Share the love 🙂

What do you really need a developer or a cofounder?

When doing a startup sometimes is optimal to have someone at your side as the technical brain so he or she can develop any product you want to build. But beware of the concept now that it can be tricky sometimes to decide what do you look for because it exist a enormous difference whether you need a developer or a cofounder.

You may think you need both, but here some huge differences:

A developer is a guy who most of the time when coming on early stages you will pay on cash or equity. Maybe a combination of both so he can build the product from the scratch. it is like a contract, he will not be a part of the decision making on the product, he will only develop whatever features you want in the order you think is necessary.

A cofounder is most to the time is a long time friend or someone kind of close to you. Which you can trust and his product decisions will have a huge impact. He or she will take care of things but it is necessary to have consensus on everything. if you want someone just to develop your dream app and don’t want anyone to tell you what to do you should hire a developer.

There are many other reasons whether you need a developer or a cofounder.
choose wise.

Bitácora: Creando Ecosistema en Tabasco

Como ya algunos los sabrán el grupo Hack Tabasco se crea con el objetivo de comenzar a crear comunidad para el desarrollo del emprendimiento en tecnología en nuestro estado, les comento que no ha sido una tarea facil, sobre todo la tratar de buscar espacios con las personas locales ya que ellos tienen experiencia en el medio local, curiosamente la mayoría del apoyo viene de fuera “mentores, expertos, gente que ha hecho lo propio en su estado.”, en lugar de darme quejas me dan mas ideas que podemos experimentar para salir adelante como una comunidad.

Solo un 20% de las personas “locales” con las que he tratado de hablar se han visto receptivas al respecto mas sin embargo el resto al saber que no hay nada detrás como incentivo monetario para invitarlos a participar, al final te ignoran o de plano te dejan de contestar los mensajes. Hice un estudio sobre todo tomando muestras de todos los sectores con conocidos y desconocidos, dándome cuenta de la verdad que muchos no saben de que les estamos hablando, ya que nunca lo han vivido ni experimentado.

En Geekdom en San Antonio Texas tuve la oportunidad de interactuar con una comunidad de alrededor de 500 miembros, en donde las interacciones offline se enriquecen de manera substancial al punto de generar ingresos por medio de proyectos mutuos, esto me inspira a seguir y sobre todo gracias a las personas que de fuera me apoyan con su experiencia.

Tengo fe que en algún momento en el futuro los actores locales entiendan y se sumen al esfuerzo porque esto se trata de todos,  y no de uno solo, se eliminen las malas actitudes y se pueda colaborar de manera respetuosa en beneficio de nuestro estado.